Saint Pius X Catholic High School

Saint Pius X Catholic High School




As a Catholic School, prayer is at the heart of the school day and in form time, students pray with their tutor within their form group.  The prayer resources mirror the liturgical year of the Church and are available for everyone to use.

Prayers for September

Prayers for October

Prayers for November

Prayers for December

Prayers for January

Prayers for February

Prayers for March

Prayers for April

Prayers for May 

Prayers for June


The School Cycle of Prayer

On special days of the year, our chapel is available for prayer and reflection on contemporary themes studied in the curriculum.  Students are invited to meditate in silence on a number of issues and consider the teachings of the Catholic Church and how to respond with Christian love and generosity.



First Half Term

Holy Days / Days of Prayer

18th September – Day of Prayer (The call to Saintliness) RE

26th September – Day of Prayer on European Languages MFL

6th October – CAFOD Fast Day of Prayer Chaplaincy

18th October – Prayers for the victims of modern day slavery – PHSE


Second Half Term

Holy Days / Days of Prayer

1st November – All Saints Day Mass

2nd November – All Souls Day of prayer - RE

10th November - Remembrance Liturgy and Day of Prayer – History


Third Half Term

Holy Days / Days of Prayer

8th January –The Baptism of Our Lord

15th January – Prayers for Civil Rights and Equality (Martin Luther King Day) – History

31st January – Holocaust Memorial Day - RE

7th February – Safer Internet Day of Prayer – Computing


Fourth Half Term

Holy Days / Days of Prayer

23rd February – CAFOD Fast Day of Prayer – Chaplaincy

28th February – National Science Day of Prayer - Science

5th March – Day of Prayer for world Literacy – English

14th March – International Day of Mathematics Day of Prayer - Maths

20th March – Laudato si Day of Prayer – Geography


Fifth Half Term

Holy Days / Days of Prayer

16th April – Feast of St Bernadette of Lourdes Day of Prayer – RE

22nd April – Day of Prayer – Sportsmnaship - PE

10th May – World Technology Day of Prayer – Technology

13 May - Our Lady of Fatima - Feast Day OF Prayer – Chaplaincy


Sixth Half Term

Holy Days / Days of Prayer

21st June – Prayers for the International Day of Music – Music

16th July – Our Lady of Guadeloupe day of prayer - RE


Please find below some of the prayer reflections created by the students to aid and to guide meditation.


Reflection on Anti Slavery Day

Reflection on All Souls Day

Reflection of Remembrance Day


Liturgies and Mass

The Eucharist is at the heart of our school and all staff, students and parents have the opportunity to celebrate Mass as part of our worshipping community.

  • Year 7 Welcome Mass - Friday 13th October.
  • All Saints Day Mass – Wednesday 1st November in the School Chapel at 8:15 a.m. All welcome!
  • Staff Advent Mass – Tuesday 5th December.
  • Advent Liturgies for all year groups – Monday 18th – Friday 22nd December.
  • Advent Carol Service St Joseph's Parish Wath - Wednesday 20th December.
  • Staff Lenten Mass – Wednesday 6th March.
  • Lenten / Easter Liturgies for all year groups – Monday 25th – Thursday 28th March.
  • Ascension Day Mass – Thursday 9th May in the School Chapel at 8:15 a.m. All welcome!
  • End of Term Mass for all year groups – Monday 8th July – Friday 23rd July.

Mass may also be celebrated through the year for the needs of the community as needs arise.