Saint Pius X Catholic High School

Saint Pius X Catholic High School


Parental Calendar 2024-2025

Autumn Term

Fundraising for CAFOD and food banks

02/09/2024     Inset day

03/09/2024     Inset day

04/09/2024     School opens to all students

10/09/2024     Y7 - 10 School photographs

17/09/2024     Y11 Exam review meeting with parents/carers

23/09/2024     Y10 & 11 Geography Educational visit

24/09/2024    Y10 & 11 Geography Educational visit

01/10/2024     Careers Fair - Y11 (pm)

                          Y6 Open Evening (5-7pm)

02/10/2024     Y7 Welcome Mass

03/10/2024     Morning mass 8:15. All welcome

04/10/2024      Anti-violence speaker Y9 to 11

                          CAFOD Fast Day

10/10/2024     World Mental Health Day

15/10/2024     Y7 Settling-in reviews with parents/carers

16/10/2024     Y7 Re-start A Heart Day

21/10/2024     Interhouse sports week

23/10/2024     Revision skills day Y11

Break for half term


4/11/2024       Return to school

Fundraising for Local children in need and SVP

                          Y7 Readathon week

06/11/2024     Y11 Photographs

11/11/2024     Anti-bullying week

14/11/2024     Y11/Y10EE Mock exams (2 weeks)

20/11/2024     Y8 North Star Festival

26/11/2024     Book Fair week

02/12/2024     KS3 core testing week

10/12/2024     KS4 reports issued to students/parents/carers

12/12/2024     Y11 mentor meetings

17/12/2024     KS3 reports issued to parents/carers

20/12/2023     Non-uniform day (£1 donation)
Break for Christmas (1:30pm finish)


Spring Term

Fundraising for Lourdes and food banks

06/01/2025     Return to school

                          Y7 non-core testing week

07/01/2025     Y11 exam reviews with parents/carers

10/01/2025     Y10/Y9EE Exams (1 week)

13/01/2025     Y8 non-core testing week

17/01/2025     Y7 reports issued to parents/carers

20/01/2025     Y9 non-core testing week

23/01/2025     Y8 reports issued to parents/carers

24/01/2025     Y11 mentor meetings

29/01/2025     Morning mass 8:15. All Welcome

                          Y11 Quantum theatre production

30/01/2025     Y9/10 reports issued to parents/carers

                          Y11/Y10EE Pre final exams (2 weeks)

10/02/2025     Internet Safety week

                          Interhouse sports week

14/02/2025     CAFOD Lent Fast Day

                        Break for half term


24/02/2025     Return to school

Fundraising for the Good Shepherd Collection

25/02/2025     Pre final results to student

26/02/2025     KS4 reports issued to parents/carers

28/02/2025     Y11 mentor meetings

03/03/2025     World Book week

04/03/2025     Y10 exam review meetings with parents/carers

05/03/2025     Ash Wednesday. Ashes 8:45

06/03/2025     World book day

10/03/2025     KS3 core testing week

12/03/2025     Lent Mass 8:15. All welcome

14/03/2025     CAFOD family fast day

17/03/2025     British Science week

25/03/2025     KS3 reports issued to parents/carers

28/03/2025     Non-uniform day (£1 donation)

Break for Easter 


Summer Term

Fundraising for a school chosen charity

14/04/2025     Return to school

15/04/2025     Y11 mentor meetings

                          Y8 progress review meeting with parents/carers

18/04/2025     Good Friday – Bank holiday

21/04/2025     Easter Monday – Bank holiday

22/04/2025     GCSE Art exam week

24/04/2025     Y10 Mock interviews

28/04/2025     GCSE Speaking exam week

01/05/2025     Y7/8 UK Maths challenge

02/05/2025     Pledge Day (fundraising)

05/05/2025     Bank holiday

06/05/2025     Y9 progress review meeting with parents/carers

12/05/2025     GCSE Exams begin

04/05/2025     Mass 8:15. All welcome

23/05/2025     Y11 Leavers' Assembly (pm)

                         Break for half term


02/06/2025     Return to school

09/06/2025     Y8 testing week

16/06/2025     Y10/9EE exams (2 weeks)

                          Y7 testing week

19/06/2025     Mass 8:15. All welcome

23/06/2025     Y9 testing week

24/06/2025     Y10/9EE Geography Educational visit

25/06/2025     Y10/9EE Geography Educational visit

26/06/2025     Lourdes pilgrimage

11/06/2024     Y7 progress review meeting with parents/carers

04/07/2025     Sports day

10/07/2025     Y10 End of year Mass

11/07/2025     KS3/4 reports issued to parents/carers

14/07/2025     Y10 Work Experience (provisional)

15/07/2025     Y7 End of year Mass

16/07/2025     Y8 End of year Mass

17/07/2025     Y9 End of year Mass

22/07/2024     Finished for summer (1:30pm finish)

23/07/2024     Inset day