Governing Body 2024/2025
- Mrs. C. Brown (Headteacher)
FOUNDATION GOVERNORS (appointed by the Bishop of Hallam)
These have a special responsibility for ensuring that the character of the school as a Catholic Voluntary Aided School is preserved and developed in accordance with our Mission Statement.
- Pat Hunter - Chair of Governors
- Vanessa Hailes - Vice Chair of Governors
- Ann Neale
- Cathal Farragher
- Petra Klompenhouwer-Meijer
LA GOVERNOR (appointed by Rotherham local authority)
LA governors must govern in the interests of the school and not represent or advocate for the political or other interests of the local authority.
- John Griffiths
CO OPTED GOVERNOR (appointed by the Governing Body)
Co-opted Governors are appointed to assist the governors to undertake their strategic objectives, ensuring the board has the skills and capacity to carry out its functions effectively.
- Sandra Butterworth
PARENT GOVERNOR (elected by parents)
Use their perspective to help the board understand a parent's viewpoint. This will help the board make good decisions and maintain a link between governance and the parent community.
- Dr Natalie Gorton
- Mrs Claire Pilkington-Doherty
STAFF GOVERNOR (elected by members of staff)
Use their perspective to help the board understand a staff's viewpoint. This will help the board make good decisions and maintain a link between governance and the school community.
- Samantha Perrin
CLERK TO THE GOVERNORS (appointed by the Governing Body)
To support the board and to make sure it is as effective as it can be.
- Sharon Graham
The Governing Body works as a team, in close co-operation with the Head teacher and all staff. All governors and staff contribute to the Catholic character of the school and the Catholic nature of the education provided, as set out in its mission statement.
Establishing the strategic direction, by:
- Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
- Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability, by:
- Appointing the Head teacher
- Monitoring progress towards targets
- Performance managing the Head teacher
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Contribution to school self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity, by:
- Setting the budget
- Monitoring spending against the budget
- Ensuring value for money is obtained
- Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
Full Name |
Term of Office |
Governor Service |
Appointed by |
Business Interest |
Attendance 2024/2025 |
Caroline Brown |
Ongoing |
Headteacher |
By Virtue of Office |
Mr Cristian Gurran |
04/09/2024 – 06/12/2024 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Resigned |
Mr John Griffiths |
16/09/2024 - 15/09/2028
LA Governor |
Appointed by the LA Term of office |
Ann Marie Hudson |
06/12/2023 – 05/12/2027 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Removed |
Bob Sawyer |
22/04/2024 – 19/09/2024 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
John Ryan |
22/04/2024 – 23/09/2024 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Resigned |
Father Patrick Harrigan |
19/10/2022 – 19/09/2024 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Resigned |
Sandra Butterworth |
01/01/2019 – 31/12/2027 |
Co-opted |
Appointed by Governors |
Dr Natalie Gorton |
20/10/2023 – 19/10/2027 |
Parent |
Appointed by Parents |
Amy Shaw |
15/03/2024 – 14/03/2028 |
Parent |
Appointed by Parents |
Samantha Perrin |
15/04/2024 – 14/04/2028 |
Staff |
Appointed by Staff |
Vanessa Hailes |
02/10/2024 - 01/10/2028 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Deborah Tibble |
14/10/2024 - 08/01/2025 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Resigned |
Pat Hunter |
14/10/024 - 13/10/2028 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Ann Neale |
14/10/2024 - 13/10/2028 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Cathal Farragher |
14/10/2024 - 13/10/2028 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Daniel Steele |
14/10/2024 - 08/01/2025 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Resigned | |
Petra Klompenhouwer-Meijer | 06/11/2024 - 05/11/2028 |
Foundation |
Appointed by Foundation/Trust |
Name | |
governing body attendance 2023-24.pdf | Download |